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Dr. Maynard

Dr. Maynard Murray’s
Experiments Using Sea Minerals

Mice didn't get cancer when fed a diet grown with sea minerals!


For 30 years Dr. Murray experimented with growing foods with sea minerals. In his experiments we have listed
below, you can see that female mice that were bred to induce breast cancer did not get cancer when fed a diet
grown with sea minerals, while the control group of mice ALL got cancer and died within nine months. Also, in

plants that were fertilized with the sea minerals, it was found that many which were exposed
to disease did not get it, while the control group that was not given the minerals did.

The book Sea Energy Agriculture Nature's Ideal Trace Element Blend for Farm, Livestock, Humans, contains a report by Dr. Maynard Murray on the many years of research concerning the breakthrough concept of fertilizing plants with sea minerals.

If you are totally amazed, as I am, by the results of the following scientific experiments
conducted by Dr. Murray, just imagine having the nutrition of sea minerals as a part

of your diet! Call 1-800-355-5313 to order the book.

Animal Diseases

Pg. 50 C3H Mice
Mice were obtained for this feeding experiment. This strain of mice was bred so
that all the females developed breast cancer, which caused their demise. The mice
were two months of age when they were started on the feeding experiments. The
life expectancy of this strain for females was no more than nine months which
included the production of two or three litters. The experimental and control groups
both consisted of 200 C3H mice. Those fed on control food were all dead within
eight months, seven days.

The experimental mice that were fed food that was fertilized with sea solids lived
until they were sacrificed at 16 months; definitive examination revealed no cancerous tissue. The experimental
group produced 10 litters compared to the usual two or three litters, and none developed breast cancer.

Pg. 51 Spraque Dolly Rats
Rats were obtained and were divided into groups of 25 control and 25 experimental. The control rats were fed
controlled food while the experimental rats received the food fertilized with sea solids.

Both the control and experimental groups were injected with cancer (Jensen Carcino-Sarcoma) which has been
shown to be a 100% killer. All of the rats fed on the control diet died of cancer within 21 days. Nine of the rats that
were fed the experimental diet died of cancer within 40 days; the other sixteen lived for five months until they were sacrificed. There was no cancer found in these sixteen that were fed food grown with sea minerals.

Pg. 51 Rats with 2 Thymus Glands
One hundred and twelve rats were fed for a six-week period on experimental food, which had been raised on soil
fertilized with complete sea minerals. Then, half of the rats were sacrificed and the thymus gland was removed
and implanted in the remaining 56 experimental rats. (The experimental group then contained the equivalence of
a double thymus gland.) Jensen Carcinoma-Sarcoma was then injected in 56 control rats and 56 experimental
rats with the result that all 56 control rats were dead within 23 days. Of the experimental rats, two apparently had a cancer "take" but it was absorbed and disappeared. Four of the 56 experimental rats died of cancer and the remaining 52 were sacrificed 90 days after their original cancer injection. No cancerous tissue was found in these 52 rats that were fed a diet grown with sea minerals.


Pg. 52 Rabbits, High Cholesterol Diet
Twenty-four rabbits were obtained. Twelve were designated experimental and fed on food grown with sea minerals, while the remaining twelve were labeled control and fed a similar diet that was not grown with sea minerals.

All the rabbits were given a high cholesterol diet for six months, which produces
hardening of the arteries. Those in the control group all died within 10 months. Those in the group that were fed the diet grown with sea minerals continued to live. They did not exhibit hardening of the arteries.

Pg. 52 Rats, Disease of the Eye
A breed of rats that developed a disease of the eye were obtained. The 10 that were
fed a diet grown with sea minerals showed no deterioration of the eyes, and bred
five litters. Those on the control diet all died secondarily of eye disease.

Pg. 52 Pregnant Dairy Cows
A problem experienced by one dairyman, was that his newborn calves from pure-
bred cattle, had difficulty standing in order to nurse when they were first born. They often had to be held for their
first few nursings, and were often not uniform in size. However, when calves were born from cows which were
given food grown with soil fertilized with sea solids, all of the calves were immediately able to stand up to nurse and were uniform in size.

Pg. 48 Chickens
One hundred and fifty-three New Hampshire chickens were fed corn and oats grown in soil fertilized with sea
minerals. Another one hundred and fifty-three were fed the same mix of oats and corn that were grown on a control plot without sea minerals. The control group had worms, a nervous condition, and leg disjointing. The experimental group did not.

Pg. 49 Pigs
One sow and six pigs were raised on corn and oats grown on land
fertilized with sea solids. They were unusually uniform in size, showed
no tendency to "root," and were easily contained in a small fenced
area. When they reached approximately 180 pounds, they were taken
off this feed and given control corn and oats.
They immediately began excessive rooting and, by the end of the third
day, they were extremely nervous and broke out of the pen on two
occasions. On the fourth day they were put back on feed grown with
sea solids and were calm by evening. Thereafter, they were easily
contained in the pen and again, showed very little rooting tendency.

Minerals do make a difference in our diets! Dr. Murray observed that “More than 100 million cases of chronic or
long-running illness and disablement afflict U.S. citizens today... These statistics are even more alarming if we
take into account less disabling diseases such as dermatosis, chronic migraine headache and dental disease...

There is no excuse for 97% of Americans having some kind of chronic dental disease."

You don't have to eat produce grown with sea minerals to get the benefits of sea minerals! We have three health
supplements available: Ionic Sea Minerals, which is a concentrated, low-sodium sea mineral liquid whose nutrients
are readily available to the body. We also offer Ionic Sea Minerals in powdered capsule and scoopable forms.
Third, we have Ocean Treasure, a sea vegetable/sea mineral blend in capsule form. We also sell SeaBoost
Cream, a topical balm containing Ionic Sea Minerals. Call 888-421-5071 to learn more, or go to

Plant Diseases

Pg. 40 Peach Trees, Curly Leaf Virus
A plot containing four 12-foot-high peach trees located approximately 20
feet from one another were selected to begin the experimental process of
determining the effects of our fertilization process and resulting resistance
to disease.

The first and third peach trees were designated for experimental tests and
were treated with 60 cc of sea water per square foot from the base of the
trees to the edge of the foliage to cover the main areas of nutrition. The
second and fourth trees were designated the control group and did not
receive application.

We made the initial application of fertilizer in March before the trees
started to bud and around the first of May all four trees were sprayed with
"Curly Leaf" virus. The experimental trees remained free of the virus and
enjoyed normal fruit yields. The control trees both contracted "Curly Leaf"
virus and their peach yield was sharply reduced from the norm.

The observation period for the test lasted three years, although spraying with the virus took place only in the first year. The control trees contracted "Curly Leaf" each year and finally died, while the experimental trees retained resistance throughout the three-year test period and provided normal yields each year.

Pg. 41 Turnips, Center Rot
Turnips were planted in a plot of soil designated half control and half experimental. The experimental section of
the plot was fertilized with 600 cc of sea water per square foot of soil after a staphylococcus bacteria associated
with "center rot" in turnips had been mixed in the soil of the entire plot.
After the turnips had sprouted and the leaves appeared above the soil line, the leaves of both the control and
experimental turnips were sprayed with the same bacteria. All of the experimental turnips grew to normal, healthy turnips without evidence of "center rot" while the control turnips contracted staphylococcus "center rot" and died.

Pg. 42 Tomatoes, Mosaic Virus
Tobacco Mosaic Virus, lethal to tomato plants, was selected as the exposure disease and all plants were
sprayed. As a result, the experimental plants did not contract the disease while the control tomato plants died of
the Tobacco Mosaic Virus.

Pg. 42 Tomatoes, Heavy Blight
Tomato experiments were conducted in gardens in northern Illinois. Here the  experimental plots were fertilized with 2,200 pounds of sea solids while the  control plots were administered the traditional fertilizing applications. The  control plots indicated heavy blight from fungus; the experimental tomatoes

that had been fertilized with sea solids were blight free.

To see more of Dr. Murray's research, you may purchase a copy of Sea Energy Agriculture at the AcresUSA bookstore:


Please note, Dr. Murray's opinions, assumptions and conclusions are the result of this preliminary research and
are not intended to be accepted as conclusive, and in no way should it be construed to make a claim for better
health or concrete advances in disease prevention and/or treatment. Dr. Murray's book is presented in the
interest of science to stimulate further research which may one day be conclusive.

An Observation by Dr. Murray

Pg. 1 "Life is electrical. Each cell is a little battery. It puts out a current. Deprived of this function because of nutrient shortfall or marked imbalance, the cell dies and deprives living tissue of its service."

We want to keep our “batteries” fully charged and give our bodies the nutrients they need. I mentioned above that we have health supplements available. Another good option is to use some of our MycorrPlus on your farm or garden.

GroPal sea mineral concentrate is a key ingredient in MycorrPlus. Close to 99% of the sodium has been removed
during evaporation, making GroPal a wonderful low-sodium source of minerals and trace minerals.

GroPal helps to supply soil and plants with the full buffet of minerals found in the ocean, for healthier plants and
animals, and a healthier you! Since concentrated sea minerals are a main ingredient in MycorrPlus, people are
seeing many of the benefits that Dr. Maynard Murray saw when fertilizing with sea solids!

If you haven’t already tried MycorrPlus, please see your MycorrPlus dealer for more information. You may contact us to find out if there is a dealer in your area. Another option is that you can work directly with AG-USA (P.O. Box 73019, Newnan, GA 30271, (888) 588-3139,


If this is your choice, please contact us and request a free information packet. MycorrPlus helps to greatly increase the nutrient density in crops, which in turn makes a real difference in animal and human health.

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