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Ionic Sea Minerals

In Liquid and Powder Form

Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling said:

“You can trace every disease, every illness and every sickness to a mineral deficiency.”

What are Ionic Sea Minerals?
Our Ionic Sea Minerals supplement is pure, concentrated ocean water, and nothing more. We take 100 gallons of pure Australian ocean water and evaporate it down to one gallon. In the evaporation process around 99% of the sodium precipitates out of the solution (solidifies). The liquid that is left is a very low-sodium, ultra-dense mineral and
trace mineral solution.

What is Ionic Sea Mineral Powder?
Ionic Sea Mineral Powder is a naturally harvested complete ocean mineral complex that is formulated to help you hydrate more efficiently, maintain fluid/electrolyte balance and to help you meet your mineral nutrient needs. It can be quite helpful for promoting healthy digestion and elimination, because of the high amount of magnesium, though it is not a medication or treatment. Consult your doctor to address persistent constipation.

Ionic Sea Mineral Powder is available in capsules as well as in scoopable powder form. If exposed to the air, this powder

will draw in moisture and turn back into a liquid. Therefore, after each time you use it, screw the lid back onto the

bottle/jar. Please do not remove the little silica packet until the product is gone; it is there to help keep moisture from building up.

The primary reason for making our sea minerals available in a powder form (in addition to the liquid form) is the taste. While Ionic Sea Minerals is a wonderful trace mineral product, some do not appreciate the bitter taste of the mineral liquid. Ionic Sea Mineral Powder is not bitter. It has a slight taste to it, almost like a soft water taste. This taste can be easily masked by scooping the powder into your favorite beverage, or bypassed altogether by taking the capsules.

The process of making Ionic Sea Mineral Powder costs more than the process of making liquid Ionic Sea Minerals. Because of that, most people who don’t have a problem with the taste of Ionic Sea Minerals will take the liquid instead of the powder. I personally would much rather take the liquid, since the taste doesn’t bother me. However, for my dad, who couldn’t drink much at a time but could easily swallow capsules, the Ionic Sea Mineral Powder capsules are wonderful! The scoopable powder is even easier to use.

Great Source of Electrolytes
Electrolytes are minerals contained in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. It is important
for the balance of electrolytes in your body to be maintained, because they affect the amount of water in your
body, blood pH, muscle action and nerve impulses. Electrolytes directly influence the activities of all major organs
in the body. Without them, your heart, brain and every other organ would simply cease to function. You lose
electrolytes when you sweat, and when you go to the bathroom.

Ionic Sea Minerals contain electrolytes! As the President of Max-Well, I have my own story of how Ionic Sea
Minerals have helped me. It all started with a weekly volleyball game. Years ago, my wife and I were missionaries
in West Africa, and every Friday I would play volleyball with the local Bible school students. Because of the heat,
I would always get a headache that lasted well into the next day. My wife, a nurse, bought me some Oral
Rehydration Salts. I would mix a pack into 2 quarts of water and drink it during volleyball. The salts made the
headaches far less severe. After completing our time in Africa, we moved back to the States, where our yard
required a lot of landscaping. This kind of work really made me sweat. After a few months I ran out of the
rehydration salts I had brought back with me, so I drank Gatorade and Powerade. I found out that when I drank a
lot of these, the taste got to me. Although these drinks helped reduce my headaches and leg cramps, they didn’t
take them away.

When I discovered Ionic Sea Minerals in 2006, everything changed. I started taking a teaspoon every morning,
and my headaches disappeared. Now on hot days when I work hard and sweat hard, besides my daily dose, I mix
two teaspoons of Ionic Sea Minerals into a 3-quart container of water. This also works great when I play tennis.
On really hot days, I add in a teaspoon of sea salt to replace lost sodium. No more headaches or leg cramps due
to dehydration! I have given it to friends, and they marvel at how it helps to prevent muscle cramps and supports
their stamina. I’m confident that it can help you, too!

Promote Healthy Elimination
A single teaspoon of Ionic Sea Minerals, or 4 powder capsules, contains 422 mg. of magnesium (60% magnesium
chloride, 37% magnesium sulfate). Magnesium functions as a natural osmotic laxative. It pulls water into the colon.



  • Increased water means moister stools, helping to make them soft and easy to pass.

  • The extra water can create a needed pressure that helps to expel stool from the colon.

  •  Magnesium counters the tightening effect that calcium has on the colon, helping to restore normal bowel

  • function.

Other Benefits of Magnesium

  •  Magnesium has been shown beneficial for bone health and for the prevention of osteoporosis.

  •  It is also helpful for proper blood oxidation, which can mean a noted increase in energy.

  •  Magnesium relaxes the muscles and, when taken before bed, may help a person get to sleep.

  •  It may help prevent or remove calcium deposits in the joints, aiding with arthritis.

  •  It helps to balance out calcium, and may help to prevent or remove kidney stones and gallstones.


After taking Ionic Sea Minerals, see if you notice any of the following:
More stamina                   Stronger firmer nails                                 More oxygen, less winded
Increased energy             Improvement of skin conditions              Better sleep/feeling more rested
Improved digestion          Improved focus and mental clarity         Improvement of fungal problems
Improved outlook             Improved stress response

Common Side Effects
- A queasy stomach for the first few days, as your body adjusts. Taking a half serving for the first 3 days helps
- A time of detoxification during the first month of use, due in part to an increased efficiency of the liver.
- If you experience diarrhea, you may need to decrease the amount you are taking.
- If it upsets your stomach, you can dilute the product with more liquid (liquid minerals only) or take it with or
after a meal (capsules and powder).

Ionic Sea Minerals contain all the natural minerals found in the ocean, including a small amount of iodine. If you
are allergic to any mineral and make the decision to take Ionic Sea Minerals, please do so with caution, and at
your own risk. If you have kidney disease, only take Ionic Sea Minerals under the advisement of a doctor. Healthy
kidneys easily filter out excess magnesium not needed by the body. However, diseased kidneys may allow
magnesium to accumulate in a person’s system, causing a magnesium toxicity. Please note that kidney disease
is one of the potential ailments caused by Type 2 Diabetes.

Guidelines for Taking Max-Well Ionic Sea Minerals in Liquid Form
The magnesium and potassium in Ionic Sea Minerals make them taste bitter, but fortunately they don’t leave much
of an aftertaste. You can mix the minerals with grape or carrot juice, lemonade or chocolate milk to help mask the
taste. The normal adult serving is 1 teaspoon a day. If you find the minerals hard to tolerate, try starting with a few
drops a day and work up from there, monitoring to see if there is a reaction. Each person is different and needs
to find the serving size that works for them. You might find that taking Ionic Sea Minerals two or three times a
week is sufficient. Until your stomach is acclimated to the minerals, taking them on an empty stomach may result
in nausea. NEVER take without diluting. For the first two or three days, consider taking only half a serving to allow
your body time to adjust. You may also divide your serving, taking some in the morning and some in the evening.
Another option is to carry a dropper bottle with you and add the minerals to whatever beverage you are drinking
throughout the day. Ask us about our droppers!

Yes. Babies and children under 25 lbs. may take the Ionic Sea Minerals liquid at a rate of 1 drop per every four
lbs. of body weight. For instance, a 36 lb. child would take 9 drops. Children weighing 25 lbs. or more can take
1/8 teaspoon of liquid for every 25 lbs. of body weight, but less if this loosens bowel movements too much.
Remember to dilute the liquid according to the instructions on the label.

You may also give Ionic Sea Minerals to pets. Mix them in their drinking bowl at a rate of 1 drop for every three
ounces of water or other liquid.

Do Not refrigerate Ionic Sea Minerals. Store at room temperature. An 8 oz. bottle of Ionic Sea Minerals is generally
a 45-day supply. They have at least a 5-year shelf life.

Guidelines for Taking Max-Well Ionic Sea Mineral Powder
You might find that taking Ionic Sea Mineral Powder two or three times a week is sufficient. However, it is usually
better to take it every day. You will get a daily dose of electrolytes and help support healthy digestion. Until your
stomach is acclimated to the minerals, taking Ionic Sea Mineral Powder (especially on an empty stomach) may
result in nausea, so it is a good idea to take it with food. For the first two or three days, consider taking a half
serving to allow your body time to adjust. It is also important to drink at least 8 oz. of fluids (preferably water) with
every 2 capsules, to keep your body from becoming dehydrated. When taking the scoopable powder, we would
suggest using 16 oz. of water per scoop of powder.

Ionic Sea Mineral Powder capsules are safe for kids who are old enough to swallow pills. The suggested daily
serving for children is 1 capsule for every 40 to 60 lbs. of body weight.

Babies and children under 25 lbs. may take the Ionic Sea Mineral Scoopable Powder at 1/64 tsp. per every four
lbs. of body weight. Children weighing 25 lbs. or more can take 1/8 scoop (1/16 tsp.) of powder for every 25 lbs.
of body weight, but less if this loosens bowel movements too much. Remember to dissolve the powder in liquid
according to the instructions on the label.

Hope for Constipation and Enjoying Daily Bowel Movements

For many years I didn't know about the relationship between magnesium and healthy elimination. Unless a person
is on some kind of juice or water fast where they eat very little, it is so helpful to have at least one bowel movement
a day, and some people are suited for two or three.

For many years I only had one bowel movement every three or four days. Then when it was time for elimination,
it was often painful, plus I developed a hemorrhoid from trying to force things to happen.

Why are regular bowel movements so important?
The bowels are the body’s number one means for eliminating toxins. When we don’t have daily bowel movements,
the body looks for other less desirable ways of getting rid of these toxins. Therefore, learning how to support
healthy digestion and elimination is important.

Chronic Constipation is Unhealthy
As constipation becomes chronic, the bowels become lined with decaying fecal matter, and it can become a real
health issue.

First, this decay can be a source of infection.

Second, toxins get recirculated back into the body.

Third, a person’s body tries to flush out this fecal matter that is caked to the walls of the colon. The result is watery

Possible Solutions for Constipation
I have tried numerous things as I’ve looked into how to maintain healthy elimination. Here are a number of ideas
that can be helpful.


  • Exercise can help to get things moving.

  • Probiotics can be helpful for digestive issues.

  • Virgin coconut oil or MCT oil can help to soften stools. If you use this approach, use caution and start with a very small amount (½ tsp-1 tsp); too much can cause loose stools when you are not acclimated to consuming MCT oil.

  • The fiber in whole grain bread and other whole grain products can be very helpful. Fiber supplements are also good.

  • Fruit and vegetables can help, as they are loaded with fiber. They are even healthier when loaded with trace minerals.

  • Juicing vegetables can be helpful, especially juicing green leafy vegetables. Juicing is even more helpful if you use a  juicer that keeps more of the pulp in the juice.

The Best Solution I've Found for Effective Elimination
In his article, “Natural Constipation Relief Strategies,” Dr. Mercola speaks of the harm that chronic use of laxatives,
including natural laxatives like Senna or Cassia, can cause.

But Dr. Mercola does recommend regular use of a magnesium supplement. To quote him, "Aloe Vera and
magnesium supplements can also be useful tools to speed up your bowel movements." He is so right!

In 2006 I started taking a teaspoon of Ionic Sea Minerals every evening as my mineral supplement, and with the
magnesium I received from it, within a day I was having normal, daily bowel movements.

CAUTION: If you have kidney disease, only take Ionic Sea Minerals under the advice of your doctor. Healthy
kidneys easily filter out extra magnesium not needed by the body. However, if your kidneys are not functioning
properly, magnesium can accumulate in your system, and magnesium toxicity can occur.

A mineral supplement for digestive health?
How is it that a mineral supplement can help keep your digestive system in good shape? As previously
discussed, magnesium has multiple roles to play in our digestion and elimination. Ionic Sea Minerals contain
106% of the U.S. RDA of Magnesium in each teaspoon!

So, if you are searching for how to relieve sluggish digestion, that search may be over! Do you remember milk of
magnesia? Magnesium is its active ingredient. It softens the stool and gives a gentle urge to go.

As stated above, Ionic Sea Minerals contain 106% of the U.S. recommended daily allowance of magnesium. The
liquid only costs $5 a month when purchased in the gallon size.

Additionally, Ionic Sea Minerals, in all three forms, is a mineral supplement that is designed to be taken daily. It
supplies valuable trace minerals that most people are simply not getting enough of.

Four Painless Ways to Take Ionic Sea Minerals
FIRST, AS A SPORTS DRINK - Every week when I play tennis, I use the liquid Ionic Sea Minerals in place of
commercially available sports drinks. I put two teaspoons in a 3-quart juice container and fill it with water. You
can also add some naturally sweetened, low glycemic lemonade mix (no harmful artificial sweeteners). Since
the Ionic Sea Minerals are low in sodium, I also add about half a teaspoon of sea salt.

I have become accustomed to the taste and it does a great job keeping me hydrated. I even took some samples
for my tennis buddies to try, and they all thought it tasted rather good, too. One of them started using Ionic Sea
Minerals every time he plays to help prevent his muscles from cramping.

Concentrated sea minerals are the best electrolyte I know of, since ocean water contains magnesium, potassium,
and all the trace minerals found in the ocean. Taking the Ionic Sea Mineral Powder is another way to get this

SECOND, IN VEGETABLE JUICE - I always put some of the liquid Ionic Sea Minerals into my fresh vegetable
juice. I just add the minerals to 14 to 21 ounces of juice (my daily allotment), drink it before each meal, and don’t
even notice that the minerals are there.

Of course, many of the vegetables I use for juicing are chock full of nutrients. I harvest them myself from my
vegetable garden. Can you believe it? Ionic Sea Minerals are also in our MycorrPlus, a micronutrient fertilizer for
plants! The vegetables in my garden are super nutritious, because I feed them with MycorrPlus. My crops are
healthier, more insect resistant, and taste great!

dispenser bottle that can be carried in a purse or computer bag. Whenever you drink something, it is so easy to
add in a few drops of minerals. This actually enhances the taste of some drinks, and is a great way to take Ionic
Sea Minerals.

you can swallow small capsules, then taking our Ionic Sea Mineral Powder capsules is a simple and easy way to
get your daily dose of Ionic Sea Minerals. Even easier – scoop some Ionic Sea Mineral Scoopable Powder into
your favorite beverage. There is NO bitter taste!

Most Americans are constipated from time to time, and unfortunately for many, constipation is a daily struggle. I
am so glad that I found such an easy way to keep my stools loose, and my bowels moving freely. No more
straining, with the result that my hemorrhoid vanished as well! Perhaps you could use some of these minerals?

Don’t wait. Get a bottle today and experience healthy elimination for yourself.

Additional Incredible Benefits of Ionic Sea Minerals Liquid

Hydration in Sports
Hydration in sports is important. Through my experiences I have found what I believe to be THE answer to
excellent hydration. As previously mentioned, I played tennis and volleyball in college. When we moved to Africa,
I continued playing tennis and volleyball there. My need for hydration in sports became quite obvious. While I got
relief from the Oral Rehydration Salts in Africa, I could not find the same kind of hydration support in the prepared
sports drinks available for sale in the States. After I discovered Ionic Sea Minerals, I developed what I think of as
the ideal sports drink recipe.

Here is Paul’s hydration recipe:
     2 liters (or quarts) of filtered water
     Naturally sweetened, low glycemic lemonade mix
     1 tsp. liquid Ionic Sea Minerals
     1/3 tsp. sea salt

Athletic Performance
One unexpected result of the Ionic Sea Minerals is the effect all those electrolytes have on hydration and athletic
performance. I gave a bottle to a friend of mine who is into weight lifting. A couple of weeks later I asked him if he
had seen any difference. He said that within a week he was doing DOUBLE the reps! While we cannot guarantee
double reps to everyone who uses Ionic Sea Minerals, his marked improvement is impressive!

The magnesium in Ionic Sea Minerals can contribute to improved stamina and increased energy! One teaspoon
of Ionic Sea Minerals contains 106% of the US RDA for magnesium.

According to researchers, 80% of Americans don’t get enough magnesium, which is needed for oxygen transfer
in the blood. Magnesium is also useful for many other bodily functions.

CAUTION: If you have kidney disease, only take Ionic Sea Minerals under the advice of your doctor. Healthy
kidneys easily filter out extra magnesium not needed by the body. However, if your kidneys are not functioning
properly, magnesium can accumulate in your system and magnesium toxicity can occur.

Sizes Available
Liquid Ionic Sea Minerals is available in an 8-ounce bottle at less than $12 a month, a quart bottle for $8 a month
or in the gallon size for less than $5 a month!

Ingredients: We take 100 gallons of ocean water and evaporate it down to 1 gallon. Pure concentrated ocean

It contains no other ingredients. In addition to the elements listed above, Ionic Sea Minerals contains the following
in trace amounts that almost perfectly match the concentration of these minerals in our blood: Calcium, Carbonate,
Bromide, Iodine, Rubidium, Scandium, Boron, Phosphorus, Nickel, Manganese, Chromium, Strontium, Cobalt,
Zinc, Titanium, Lanthanum, Cerium, Barium, Copper, Iron, Silicon, Yttrium, Molybdenum, Tin, Gallium, Gold,
Silver, Cesium, Beryllium, Selenium, Vanadium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Terbium, Praseodymium, Lutetium,
Gadolinium, Samarium, Bismuth, Ytterbium, Erbium, Europium, Neodymium. Ionic Sea Minerals contains these
plus the other minerals found in ocean water.

Electrolytes are minerals in your blood and other body fluids that carry an electric charge. It is important for the
balance of electrolytes in your body to be maintained, because they affect the amount of water in your body, blood
pH, muscle action and nerve impulses. Electrolytes directly influence the activities of all major organs in the
body. Without them your heart, brain and every other organ would simply cease to function. You lose electrolytes
when you sweat and when you go to the bathroom.

Are you losing more minerals than you can afford?
During periods of physical exertion, large amounts of electrolytes can be lost in sweat. The least a person should
do during this time is to drink plenty of water. Ideally, it is recommended that an electrolyte replacement be
introduced at the same time. Which electrolytes do we lose when we sweat hard, or when a child is dehydrated
due to diarrhea? It isn’t just sodium, potassium and magnesium. Our blood contains 76 minerals, and we lose
trace minerals as well as the macro minerals.

A good quality, well balanced Ocean Derived Mineral Supplement will assist the body in maintaining healthy
electrolyte levels in one’s bodily fluids. Ionic Sea Minerals is that supplement. It is pure, concentrated ocean water,
and nothing more. We take 100 gallons of pure Australian ocean water and evaporate it down to one gallon. In
the evaporation process around 99% of the sodium precipitates out of solution (solidifies). Although the liquid that
is left contains good amounts of potassium and magnesium, it is very low in sodium. Magnesium and potassium
are just two of the ultra-dense minerals and trace minerals that are in Ionic Sea Minerals. During evaporation,
almost all the calcium and some potassium and magnesium also solidify and are left behind. You will need to get
the extra of these through your food.

As I mentioned before, I believe Ionic Sea Minerals may be the best electrolyte available. That is because it
contains almost the exact percentage of all 76 minerals that are in our blood, except for sodium chloride (table
salt). So, just add a little table salt and you have a wonderful rehydration product.

My headaches that came from sweating hard disappeared. This didn’t happen with any other electrolyte that I
took. On hot days when I sweat a lot, I mix up 3 quarts of water with 2 tsp. of liquid Ionic Sea Minerals and a
teaspoon of sea salt. This works very well, and I encourage you to try it. It can help to keep you hydrated on the
hottest of days!

A Balancing Act
A good balance of electrolytes is required for both young and old. Electrolytes (minerals) directly influence all
biological processes of every living creature. They assist the body in extracting and processing vital nutrients.

Electrolytes fall under the classification of micronutrients. An imbalance in minerals, both macro (major minerals)
and trace (minor minerals) will disrupt the levels of all other micronutrients, vitamins included.

Deficiencies of micronutrients have been recognized by the United Nations as a major cause of illness and
death. They are now trying to address this through their micronutrient initiative. Ionic Sea Minerals is a mineral
supplement that contains a full buffet of 76 trace minerals.

Ocean Treasure (our seaweed supplement) is a wonderful companion product to Ionic Sea Minerals. When plants
are grown with the full buffet of minerals available to them, they produce hundreds of phytonutrients, making those
foods like superfoods! The sea vegetables in Ocean Treasure also help the body to detox from heavy metals. See
our literature on Ocean Treasure to learn more.

Unlimited Potential

Mineral and other micronutrient deficiencies are now recognized as having a brain draining effect. They impede
not only the growth and wellbeing of many millions of children and adults, but also disrupt a person’s academic
and productive potential. Just think of the potential that can be unlocked by giving your body the minerals and
micronutrients it needs!

Why not get some Ionic Sea Minerals, either in liquid, scoopable powder, or powder capsule form, today?

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