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Ocean Treasure

Why Ocean Treasure is the Best, Period.

What’s in it? Some sea vegetation products on the market promote kelp and fucoidan and not much else. While those are amazing nutrients, Ocean Treasure contains those and so many more. In addition to kelp and fucoidan, Ocean Treasure has fucoxanthin and other glyconutrients, not to mention a complete spectrum of the necessary daily vitamins and minerals, plus thousands of phytochemicals. Even within a few weeks, taking Ocean Treasure each day could make quite a difference!!!

Ocean Treasure contains sea mineral powder and nine nutrient-dense sea vegetables that are grown in what is believed to be the perfect mineral environment - the ocean!

- Red Seaweeds: Irish Moss, Nori Yaki, Red Dulse, Laver
- Brown Seaweeds: Bladderwrack, Rockweed, Fingered Kelp, Alaria
- Green Seaweed: Sea Lettuce

Amazing Potential Benefits of Select Seaweeds

  • Fight Allergies

  • Promote healthier skin

  • Help lower cholesterol levels

  • Relieve stomach discomfort

  • Support liver functionality

  • Fight free radicals

  • Discourage blood clotting

  • Promote healthy metabolism

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Inhibit uptake of heavy metals

  • Remove toxins and heavy metals


Ocean Treasure is a 100% vegetable dietary supplement containing 9 edible and organic species of seaweed plus Ionic Sea Minerals. All the minerals in sea vegetation are 10-20 times the organic density of any known land plant. Plus, vitamin D is synthesized naturally in the tissues of our sea plants, just as it is in human skin! Sea vegetation is the only type of plant in the world that synthesizes vitamin D in any appreciable amount, and the varieties in Ocean Treasure are particularly high in vitamin D. This is especially important in the winter when your skin gets less sunlight.

Sea plants can literally change your health. Sea vegetation has been acknowledged as a detoxifier and a balanced source of nutrients, and many cultures have believed that sea vegetation works as a miraculous healing agent. Ocean algae is the richest natural source of minerals, trace minerals and rare earth minerals.

Ocean Treasure feeds your cells with the most nutritionally-potent and mineral-rich family of plants on earth. The ingredients in Ocean Treasure provide hundreds of natural compounds which are free of synthetic toxins. Many of these natural compounds, though necessary, are missing from our processed food supply.

The US government has now increased its suggestion of fruit and vegetable intake from 3-5 servings per day to 5-13 servings per day. The land plants we are accustomed to eating, however, are not nearly as beneficial as sea plants. The seaweeds in Ocean Treasure contain a full spectrum of natural (photosynthetic) vitamins, trace minerals, lipids, plant sterols, amino acids, omega 3's and 6's, antioxidants, growth hormones, polyphenols, flavonoids and much more. They also contain the powerful phytonutrients fucoidan and laminarin, which are not found in land plants.

Our select seaweeds are up to 60 times more potent than any salad made from soil-grown vegetables, and contain hundreds of organic plant compounds known as phyto (plant) chemicals. These organic compounds are extremely necessary for proper cell health, but many are missing from our processed food supply.

Ocean Treasure Ingredients

Sea minerals, Irish Moss, Nori Yaki, Red Dulse, Laver, Bladderwrack, Rockweed, Fingered Kelp, Alaria, Sea
Lettuce. All of these ingredients are listed below, along with benefits they are renowned for.

Powdered Sea Minerals - though they are an amazing source of nutrition, the high calcium found in sea vegetables needs to be balanced out with magnesium. Ocean Treasure contains low sodium sea minerals which are high in magnesium and very low in calcium. Sea minerals and sea vegetables really do go together like peas and carrots. Though sea vegetables do contain needed trace minerals, our sea mineral powder contains a much larger amount. We take 100 gallons of pure ocean water from Queensland, Australia and evaporate it down to one gallon, which we then flash dry to a powder. The result is a low-sodium, ultra-dense mineral and trace mineral solution. Ionic concentrated sea minerals are packed with all 76 naturally-occurring minerals found in ocean water. These minerals are micro-nutrients which have been known to help nourish the skin.

Red Seaweeds

Irish Moss (Chondrus crispus) - exceptionally rich in nutrients and antioxidants, Irish moss is quickly gaining a reputation as the next big superfood. Rich in potassium chloride, Irish Moss can work wonders for congestion and mucous and has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It’s also thought to be good for dry skin and for skin conditions ranging from eczema to psoriasis, making it a valued ingredient for lotions and moisturizers.

Nori Yaki (Porphyra yezoensis) - offers one of the broadest ranges of nutrients of any food, including many
nutrients found in human blood! Nori nutrients include calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese,
phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc and then some! Nori can actually contain up to ten times more calcium than milk. Nori is packed full of vitamins, too. It offers vitamins A, B, C, D, E and K, as well as niacin, folic acid and taurine.

Red Dulse (Palmaria palmata) - contains significant levels of calcium and potassium which help your bones
strengthen and become more resilient. Benefits of Red Dulse also include helping to lower your blood pressure, improving your eyesight and improving the health of your thyroid gland. It can work wonders for boosting the levels of anti-oxidants you’re intaking and is a natural source of vitamin B12.

Laver (Porphyra umbilicalis) - is rich in iodine, which is essential for thyroid health. Like so many seaweeds, laver is renowned for its anti-cancer and anti-viral properties. It contains the following vitamins: calcium, choline, copper, folate, iron, magnesium, manganese, niacin, omega 3 & 6 fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, sodium, thiamin and zinc.

Brown Seaweeds

Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosis) - may help to keep body weight within a normal range and has been used to support a healthy endocrine system and to support healthy function of the thyroid gland in particular, due to its naturally rich iodine content.

Rockweed (Ascophyllum nodosum) - is rich in a wide range of minerals, vitamins, and a host of bioactive
compounds. This includes fucoidan, a type of sulfated polysaccharide (complex sugar) that has been studied quite extensively and has shown properties such as anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, immune-enhancing, anti-viral, and more.

Fingered Kelp (Laminaria digitata) - contains the complete spectrum of minerals needed by man, as they are contained in the ocean itself. It is also known for supporting the thyroid, supporting healthy weight, and helping to remedy liver congestion.

Alaria (Alaria esculenta) - is a significant source of calcium. It is rich in B-complex vitamins, vitamins A, C, and K and is also high in protein, iron, magnesium, iodine, sodium, chromium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and dietary fiber. It is rich in antioxidants, which makes it a powerful weapon against free radicals.

Green Seaweed

Sea Lettuce (Ulva lactuca) - is remarkably high in iron, protein, iodine, manganese, vitamin B12, calcium, vitamins A, B, C and nickel, and is also high in dietary fiber.

Research on Sea Vegetables

Research has proven that the waters of our oceans contain some of the richest known sources of mineral
elements. Rain, erosion and rivers bring all the valuable minerals of the earth into the ocean, and sea plants
absorb them.

These vast sources of nutrition may become much more important than any of us now realize. Land degradation, pollution and over farming has had a drastic effect on the soil. The fruits and vegetables we eat derive their vitamins and minerals from the soil. If the food grown on land can no longer give us all the nutrients that our bodies require and need, we must turn to the rich vegetation of the ocean.

It has always been accepted in Japan that eating sea vegetables like Nori and Alaria will prolong life. Now
Japanese and other scientists have demonstrated that such assumptions are not so farfetched, given their proven ability to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as thinning the blood.

Ocean Treasure, a Great Source of Fucoxanthin

As mentioned at the beginning of this paper, some sea vegetation products currently on the market promote kelp and fucoidan, which are amazing nutrients. Something that makes Ocean Treasure special is that it not only contains these nutrients, but also many glyconutrients, one of the key ones being fucoxanthin.

​Why People Use Fucoxanthin

Weight Loss
Fucoxanthin is being explored for weight loss. So far, only animal studies have been done. Japanese researchers have found that fucoxanthin (isolated from Alaria) promotes the loss of abdominal fat in obese mice and rats.  Animals lost five to 10% of their body weight.

Although it's not fully understood how fucoxanthin works, it appears to target a protein called UCP1 that increases the rate at which abdominal fat is burned. Abdominal fat, also called white adipose tissue, is the kind of fat that surrounds our organs and is linked to heart disease and diabetes. Fucoxanthin also appears to stimulate the production of DHA, one of the omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish such as salmon.

Although it's promising and already a popular nutritional supplement, more research is needed to determine if fucoxanthin will work in the same way in humans. If it does prove to be effective, fucoxanthin could be developed into a diet pill for obesity.

Fucoxanthin has also been found in animal studies to decrease insulin and blood glucose levels. Researchers hypothesize that fucoxanthin’s anti-diabetes effect may be because fucoxanthin appears to promote the formation of DHA (the omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil). DHA is thought to increase insulin sensitivity, improve triglycerides and reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol.

Preliminary research in test tubes suggests that fucoxanthin may have anti-tumor effects. No studies have looked at whether this holds true in humans or if taken orally. It's far too early for fucoxanthin to be used as a complementary treatment for cancer.

The Phytochemical Revolution - a Big Idea

Man's science tries to solve a huge jigsaw puzzle without having the box top, the Big Picture (God). From
the beginning, God created plants with consumption in mind. He carefully packaged these vital nutrients with other nutrients and phytochemicals (plant compounds) that would help them be absorbed and utilized to their fullest potential. It is difficult to digest and absorb some of these nutrients independently.

As far as supplements go, the accepted scientific agreement is that synthetic chemicals are the same as organic molecules to the body, at least “on paper.” However, it has been observed that they simply are not absorbed as well. Why is that? When we supplement cholecalciferol (a form of Vitamin D), we do not add in any of the other plant components that help that vitamin go as far as it should! We are not missing “yellow synthetic powders” in our diet. We’re missing the whole, complex nutritive compound found in nature. So, multi-vitamins, up to now, are truly multi-synthetics. Yet, phytochemicals come from photo (light) synthesis. Why does sea veg grow two feet or more per day, without a root? Probably, light synthesis. "Probably" because we need to wait for science to prove it conclusively, right?

Now hundreds and thousands of phytochemicals have been observed in plants, and they cannot all be
synthesized and placed into a multi-vitamin. Obviously, there is a gap between nutrition as found in nature and as created in a lab. So we are told to eat more fruits and vegetables. Going from 3-4 servings a day, to 5-9 servings a day, to 9-13 (due to the increasing knowledge of phytochemicals). Not only can they not all be synthesized, even just trying to name them all is getting complicated. Mixed carotenoids (a whole spectrum of Pro Vitamin A phytocompounds), mixed tochopherols (phytocompounds surrounding Vitamin E), B-Complex, etc. are a few examples.

While science has been useful in pointing out which nutrients are linked to what health traits, the truth is we simply cannot synthesize the total picture in a laboratory, alone. In sixty years of nutrient supplements, every major disease has increased in the vitamin taking public. Where is the solution which creates NOT getting sick in the first place? But of course, we know the solution. God heals His creation with His creation. This is the phytochemical revolution. Why is it a revolution? Because we will return/revolve to where we once were and know it for the first time. Health is found in superior nutrition, every single day. It is NOT found in synthetic “nourishment.”

Using natural compounds to address symptoms or undesirable effects is still not the answer to perfect
health. Natural healers still treat the symptoms with herbs, and try to treat the disease, but not all diseases are treatable once there is onset. Degenerative disease is caused by doing without proper nutrition combined with increasing toxicity over a variable amount of time, depending on age, environment, stress, and genetics. Ocean Treasure addresses the cells themselves on both fronts (adding whole food nutrients and aiding in gentle detoxification) like nothing else can! We can say this because of the way it helps to alleviate the toxic burden, and provides a rich source of nutrients that helps each cell function according to its design. If your cells were a working wristwatch, what part of the watch could you do without? Which piece is more important? Using the analogy of a wristwatch, is the wristband more important than a little tiny spring inside? Is the big hand more important than a little tiny swivel rivet? Which one can you do without? Is calcium more important for making bone than the trace element boron, or vitamin C, or magnesium? On a car, is the engine more important than the lug nuts on the front tire? Not more expensive, but more important? So, it is the seemingly small things that count, and not necessarily
the “most expensive.” Ocean Treasure is economical yet has a large amount of phytochemicals per ounce.

Ocean Treasure and Iodine

Iodine is key to many functions in the body, including thyroid, breast, prostate and uterine health. Iodine is one of the “essential nutrients,” so named because our bodies cannot make them, we need to get them from dietary sources!

In his book, “Minerals for the Genetic Code,” Dr. Richard Olree talks about four minerals which are vital to human health and with which it would be wise to supplement. They are Magnesium, Selenium, Iodine and Yttrium.


Concerning Iodine, according to Dr. Olree, the minerals Chlorine, Bromine and Fluorine are all -1 in electron
valence, and when Iodine is not readily available, these substitute for it, wreaking havoc in the human body.

But doesn't iodized salt provide for this need? The Iodine in iodized salt is in chemical form, and is only about 5% available to the body. In fact, most Americans are Iodine-deficient. The Iodine in Super Sea Veg is organic - it is attached to a carbon molecule, and therefore is 100% available to the body. Ocean Treasure is your BEST source for bio-available Iodine.

Try it for a month and see what a difference this world class supplement can make in your health.

Increase IQ with Vegetable Iodine

The most damaging effect of iodine deficiency is on the developing brain, and to a lesser degree, any
brain. Thyroid hormone is particularly important for myelination of the central nervous system, which is most active in the prenatal period and during fetal and early postnatal development. Numerous population studies have correlated an iodine-deficient diet with increased incidence of mental retardation. A

meta-analysis of 18 studies concluded that iodine deficiency alone lowered mean IQ scores by 13.5 points (Bleichrodt and Born, 1994). Iodized salt is a special case. With only a few isolated exceptions, edible salt (sodium chloride) does not naturally contain iodine. Either potassium iodide or potassium iodate is laced into salt in 98% of U.S. households (only found in 3% of English households). Fifty to seventy percent of the iodide Americans ingest each day, is hidden in their food supply, not the salt shaker.

Unfortunately, in populations where iodized salt is widely consumed, we are seeing an increase in potential side effects such as hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. This has grown to now epidemic proportions since the 1930's, when supplementing salt with iodine began to be implemented more consistently. Women of all ages are seeing doctors for low thyroid and are often placed on powerful synthetic drugs for the rest of their lives. Once truly bio-available iodine is ingested daily, the thyroid sloughs off the pharmaceutical iodide and iodate, and our metabolism can be allowed to normalize. Many informed experts believe that the rising rate of obesity in this country can be traced back to this false iodine in the food supply.

In addition to these effects on the individual, iodine deficiency has adverse consequences for the community. A well-known expert states: “a drop of IODINE each day can be the difference between an idiot and an Einstein.” Cognitive impairment can cover a wide range, from mild blunting of intellect to more drastic difficulties, and a large part of the population may have some intellectual impairment. The mean IQ of the deficient community is decreased by at least 13.5 IQ points, according to one review. Individuals in these communities have lower educability and lower economic productivity, and the output of the whole community suffers. Dramatic improvement typically occurs after appropriate addition of vegetable iodine, as found in Ocean Treasure.

Other consequences of iodine deficiency are impaired reproductive outcome and increased childhood mortality. NOTE: There are 59 mcg of iodine in one capsule (or ½ a scoop) of Ocean Treasure. That means that 2 capsules (or 1 scoop) have only 0.119 mg of VEGETABLE iodine, so there is a good amount of iodine, but not too much like other sea vegetable products.

The Japanese ingest over 7.7 mgs of organic vegetable iodine EVERY DAY! Their IQ is 15 pts higher than
Americans across their population. They have longer attention spans, better attention to detail, and they also enjoy the longest and healthiest life spans. They ingest 7-10 grams of whole sea plants each and every day. Could the daily consumption of sea vegetables and their brain-boosting effects be the reason?

Synthetic Vs. Natural Vitamins

By Dr. Ben Kim,

Here are some facts that you won't find advertised on most of the vitamin supplements at your local vitamin store:

  • The majority of commercial vitamin supplements are made up of synthetic vitamins.

  • Synthetic vitamins do not perform the same functions in your body as vitamins found naturally in whole food.

  • Many synthetic vitamins deplete your body of other nutrients and tax your kidneys before being excreted through your urine.


If you want a comprehensive understanding of what vitamins are and what they do in your body, it would be best to take a full course in biochemistry. Do you remember all of those molecular formulas and chemical reactions that you studied in your high school chemistry class? Biochemistry is really just an extension of chemistry, with an emphasis on the thousands of chemical reactions that occur in your body on a moment-to-moment basis.


Anyone who studies biochemistry learns that vitamins do not exist as single components that act on their
own. Vitamins are made up of several different components: enzymes, co-enzymes, and co-factors that must work together to produce their intended biologic effects.

Vitamins that are found naturally in whole foods come with all of their necessary components. The majority of vitamins that are sold in pharmacies, grocery stores, and vitamin shops are synthetic vitamins, which are only isolated portions of the vitamins that occur naturally in food.

Clearly, it is best to get your vitamins from whole foods because whole foods provide complete vitamins rather than fractions of them. In many cases, whole foods also provide the minerals that are necessary for optimal vitamin activity. For example, sunflower seeds are an excellent whole food source of vitamin E and the mineral selenium, both of which need each other to offer their full health benefits.

How do you know if the vitamins on your kitchen counter are from whole foods or if they are synthetic?
If the list of ingredients includes an actual vitamin like Vitamin C rather than an actual food that contains natural vitamin C like acerola cherry powder, you can bet that it is a synthetic vitamin.

If you choose to use nutritional supplements, it is in your best interest to use only those products that list actual foods as their ingredients rather than synthetic and isolated vitamins. While some synthetic and isolated vitamins have been shown to provide minimal health benefits, on the whole, most of them cause more harm than good and you are far better off spending your money on whole foods.

It is important to note that the principles in this article are just as relevant and applicable to minerals and mineral supplements.

Frequently Asked Questions about Ocean Treasure

Q: What is Ocean Treasure?
A: Ocean Treasure is a blend of 9 seaweed species, plus powdered Ionic Sea Minerals.

Q: What are the benefits of Ocean Treasure?
A: Most people's bodies are pH imbalanced and highly acidic, which causes a long list of ailments. Here is just a preview of what Ocean Treasure can help your body do. Sea vegetables feed the cells and blood; YOUR BODY does the rest; IT KNOWS HOW! Sea vegetables have been shown to:
- Promote the repair of carotid arteries, veins and heart tissue
- Diminish the risk of obesity and diabetes
- Promote a healthy metabolism
- Protect against free radical damage
- Diminish the risk of cholesterol plaque
- Promote healthy blood pressure
- Promote detoxification of heavy metals

Q: Why use Ocean Treasure?
A: The solution for De-Generation or (Degenerative Disease), is RE-Generation. Your body heals itself with the organic materials you provide it, and we believe sea vegetables are the best dietary food in history.

Your cells regenerate themselves with nutrients provided by the food you eat. Americans are dying from
nutritionally depleted diets. Supplementing daily with sea vegetation is the smartest thing Americans can do
today for their cellular health. The raw materials (organic nutritional compounds) are so powerful, your cells are given what they need to regenerate themselves, which promotes your body’s ability to heal itself.

Sea vegetables regenerate, and it's why the healthiest cultures that live the longest eat from the sea. The
mother of all Plants is Macro Marine Algae. You don't have to eat much, just eat it every day and watch your cells wake up!

Q: Can children take Ocean Treasure?
A: Absolutely. It is a wonderful source of minerals, many of which are extremely important to a growing child's proper development. The recommended serving is a capsule (or half a scoop) a day for children



Q: Can pregnant or nursing mothers take Ocean Treasure?
A: Although there are no ingredients in Ocean Treasure that are known to be harmful to pregnant or nursing mothers, we always recommend consulting with your physician or preferred practitioner before beginning any new supplement during pregnancy or lactation.

Q: Can Ocean Treasure be taken with other supplements, drugs or foods?
A: Ocean Treasure is not an herbal supplement or medication, but a whole food supplement. As long as there are no allergies to specific ingredients or to iodine, there is no reason it can’t be taken with other supplements, drugs or food. However, if you are taking prescription medications, it is always good to check with your primary health practitioner before beginning a new supplement regimen.

Q: Can Ocean Treasure replace vitamins?
A: Ocean Treasure can replace a multi-vitamin. When Ocean treasure is taken, you should not need to take a multi-vitamin. But it is not a bad idea to take specific vitamins such as D, C, Zinc (zinc is a mineral), B-12 and B-complex.

Q: When will I feel a difference? How will I know it’s working?
A: How long do you have to wait after eating a meal to know it’s working? Ocean Treasure is not a drug and shouldn't be viewed as a pill that "makes you feel" something. True biological health is long term and sometimes subtle. One day you realize you feel better, think more clearly, sleep better, have more stamina, get fewer colds and are in a good mood more often. Usually in the first 30 days, subtle signs appear, and if you stay with it, you can expect more lasting benefits. The proof is in the pudding. Ocean Treasure will prove itself to anyone who gives it a chance. How about giving yourself a chance to be healthier than ever before. Order today!

Q: How long does it take Ocean Treasure to begin removing heavy metals?
A: The process begins the first day you start. Within months, we expect to see heavy metal levels go down.

Q: Is Ocean Treasure like fish oil pills - when you swallow them you burp up the fishy taste?
A: No, not usually. Ocean Treasure is vegetation, not oil from a fish. It is quickly absorbed in the stomach and used immediately. Still, if we take or eat anything with carbonated drinks, burping up the taste of the food is normal. Remember, the taste and smell of fish is from the sea vegetables they eat. You're just skipping the fish with Ocean Treasure. If you want the fantastic health benefits, you may have to get used to the organic smell coming from the active enzymes and living plant material in Ocean Treasure. Your cells don't care about taste and smell, but substance. Give them what they need, and you'll find you'll begin to develop a strange liking to the taste and smell of Ocean Treasure!

Q: What is sea vegetation and what is its history?
A: Seaweed is actually a nutritious and multi-talented vegetable, which has been used in many cultures, for a myriad of uses, for thousands of years. It is a type of algae.

Seaweed as a staple item of diet has been used in Japan and China since prehistoric times. In 600 BC, Sze Teu wrote in China, "Some algae are a delicacy fit for the most honored guests, even for the King himself." Some 21 species are used in everyday cookery in Japan, six of them since the 8th century. Seaweed accounts for some 10% of the Japanese diet and seaweed consumption reached an average of 3.5 kg per household in 1973, a 20% increase in 10 years.

The oldest book in Iceland, dating back to 961 B.C., includes detailed regulations about coastal property rights to be respected in the collection of sea vegetables.

There are records of sea plants being collected and eaten by the coastal populations of Northern Europe, as well as by the people around the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas.

Coastal Native American Indians, such as the Yupik and Inuit peoples, used sea vegetation for eating and healing throughout their history.

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