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The Story of Max-Well

and Our Health



My name is Paul Schneider Jr. and I am the owner of Max-Well. I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about our line of nutritional supplements and skin cream and why I believe our sea mineral products will help enhance your health and the health of your family. Below is my personal journey into learning of the great benefits of sea minerals and sea vegetables. We also have a line of nourishing spa products

that I think you will enjoy.


In 1999, my wife and I finished our 18 years of service as Baptist missionaries in Ghana, West Africa, and moved back to Michigan. In 2003, I started AG-USA and began selling agricultural products to farmers. In 2004, I read Dr. Maynard Murray’s book

Sea Energy Agriculture and became excited about the amazing health benefits that plants grown with sea minerals can bring to people. I started encouraging growers to use the sea mineral product we sold back then - Ocean Solution. As farmers used it, they told me how insect and disease pressure dropped, shelf life increased, and foods became much more flavorful. But nobody saw the yield increases I knew were possible. It was at that time that I began to pray for a sea mineral product that would be much less expensive and much more concentrated.


GroPal Sea Mineral Concentrate

The Lord answered my prayer! In 2006, a friend told me about the Gerry Amena interview in the AcresUSA magazine. Within months I had become Gerry’s USA distributor for GroPal. It was a much less expensive and much more concentrated sea mineral product! I started selling it and my customers started getting the yield increases spoken of by Dr. Murray.


My Dream

Back around 2004, I had a dream. I was driving a school bus with five first-string basketball players with me. I was on my way to the town of Maxwell. The dream detailed a bit of my journey to Maxwell. Some of this dream has already been fulfilled. When I awoke, I asked the Lord, “What is Maxwell?” He spoke to me and said, “Maximum Wellness.” It was at that point that God started giving me “solutions for maximum wellness.” That is why I became so excited when, in 2006, Gerry Amena told me about the successes he had seen in supplementing the nutrition of AIDS patients. But the Lord told me it was not time for me to do anything with it. So, I did my best to sit on it (though I did offer the product for free to anyone I met living with HIV or those working with people with HIV).


Then in 2009, the Lord spoke to me again, saying it was time – to go for it with all my might. Immediately I started to meet individuals who were working overseas with people with HIV. I started raising money and then donating the product, and within a year I had sent Gerry’s immune formula (SupaBoost) to 14 countries. Then, Pastor Jumba in Kenya offered to help me with a study. He and his wife ran a clinic and worked closely with government health officials in the Vihiga District.

Our Two Studies

We started our first study in December 2010, in Kenya with 90 children who were very

sick with AIDS. We gave half of them SupaBoost and the other half our Ionic Sea

Minerals as a control. I wanted them to get the nutrition of the sea minerals, but believed

it was the seven herbs in the immune formula that actually would help support their

bodies as they dealt with AIDS. Three months later, I was quite surprised to learn that

the 45 who received just the sea minerals did a tiny bit better in their improved CD4

count (a test for HIV) than those receiving SupaBoost (sea minerals with seven herbs).

The sea minerals were the real key to improving their overall nutrition!


Although most of the kids had their health restored by the end of the study, nine of them were still battling for their lives. I went back to the Lord and said, “Lord, we need something to help these nine children as well.” It was then that God led me to Scott Kennedy and SeaVeg. I sent over some SeaVeg, and for the next three months these nine kids took the sea minerals plus SeaVeg. By the end of this second three months, they were all functioning at a healthy level!


In 2013, I decided to do a second study, this time giving participants a product with five varieties of sea vegetables. There were 350 people in the study, two thirds of them children. I went over to Kenya to oversee the close of the study. Ninety percent of those tested had lost all AIDS symptoms by the end of the study. Ten percent still had symptoms, but they had things like Tuberculosis, which doesn’t go away without medical treatment. The symptoms that disappeared were terrible rashes, ringworm, sores in the mouth and wasting (which is where persistent illness causes severe losses of fat and muscle).


I went from home to home out in the villages, interviewing those in the study who had been the worst off. I found that most of those who were interviewed had started losing their AIDS symptoms within a month of starting the supplement. Strength returned. Farmers returned to farming. Children were able to go back to school. People who were skin and bones were able to put on weight and became healthy!


Ocean Treasure

Heavy metals can devastate the body. In 2010, when I first met Scott Kennedy, he told me that his sea vegetables did an even better job of detoxing the body from heavy metals than Chlorella. So, I stopped taking Chlorella and just took the sea vegetables. Eventually, I started formulating my own sea vegetable formula, Ocean Treasure. This consists of a proprietary blend of 9 sea vegetables and powdered Ionic Sea Minerals. It is an amazing product! I sent it to Kenya and Ivory Coast for evaluation. They said, “It works better in supporting the nutrition of our AIDS patients than either the Ionic Sea Minerals or the sea vegetables by themselves.”


HIV is a virus. So is Ebola. When the Ebola outbreak came to Liberia, I sent some Ocean Treasure to a pastor friend of mine there. I thought, “If it helps diminish the impact of one virus, perhaps it will do the same with another.” My friend took the Ocean Treasure to a quarantine camp where people came with Ebola symptoms. If their symptoms persisted, those in charge would send them to a treatment center. A couple of months later I spoke with the director of the quarantine camp. He said he gave the Ocean Treasure to everyone who came in. He said that within three days, every person returned home, symptom free. Amazing!


In March of 2020, I was listening to an audio of a US doctor interviewing a man in Italy where they were hit especially hard by Covid. Twenty-one minutes into the interview the man made an amazing statement. “We in Italy tend to have a lot of heavy metals and, of course, a virus can’t replicate without heavy metals.” Wow! The detoxification of metals promoted by sea vegetables may impede viral reproduction! Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Ocean Treasure seems to work so well to support us against viruses. Because viruses thrive in bodies with heavy metal toxicity, and the phytocompounds in sea vegetables promote detoxification, including sea vegetables in the diet may reduce the ability of viruses to replicate. Also, it has been shown that some of the sea vegetables in Ocean Treasure contain anti-viral properties. I have only come down with a viral infection once since I began taking sea vegetables in 2010. I do not even get the flu anymore!


Now, I am not making any claims that Ocean Treasure treats or cures anything. It simply supplies the body with amazing nutrients that help it do what it was designed to do.


I have listened to Dr. Richard Olree at AcresUSA conferences three different years. The last time I went, he offered his heavy metals test to those in attendance. I did the lab test, then had the phone consultation with him. He was totally amazed by my test results. “You must be one of the cleanest people in the world.” During the 25-minute interview he commented five times that he couldn’t get over just how clean my body was of heavy metals. “And you’re 60 years old. Heavy metals tend to accumulate in the body with age.”


But the nutrients in Ocean Treasure go far beyond just helping equip the body to resist viruses and detox from heavy metals. Dr. Maynard Murray found that when animals were fed food fertilized with sea minerals, it helped their bodies resist cancers and other diseases. In four capsules of Ocean Treasure, you are not only getting sea vegetables grown in the ocean where all 76 needed minerals are available, but you are also getting 1/10th a dose of Ionic Sea Minerals in powder form. So, you get the phytonutrients found in the sea vegetables AND you get a concentrated source of trace minerals!


We offer Ocean Treasure in scoopable powder form as well. One scoop is ¼ teaspoon and has the same amount of powder as is in two capsules of Ocean Treasure. If you or someone you know struggles with swallowing capsules, using the scoopable powder is an easy alternative. Also, since we save on production costs, we are passing along a significant savings to you!


Ionic Sea Minerals

I started taking Ionic Sea Minerals in 2006. I got this product from Gerry Amena in Australia, and now I get it from his partner. I just wanted the wonderful health benefits of sea minerals spoken of by Dr. Maynard Murray. I got far more, because I discovered the benefit of sea minerals for my digestion! Ionic Sea Minerals contains magnesium, which pulls moisture into the colon, helping to expel stool. With these benefits of sea minerals, I was no longer constipated. This means those toxins contained in compacted feces in the colon – a problem for many of us – are no longer being absorbed back into my body! The sea minerals helped me to cleanse my colon, and now help keep it clean!


With the magnesium in Ionic Sea Minerals, you can support healthy digestion and elimination. I take a teaspoon a day, which, when purchased by the gallon, costs less than $5 a month. Ionic Sea Minerals does have a bitter taste. When you first start taking it, it is really helpful to put the minerals into chocolate milk, grape juice or lemonade to mask the taste. After a month or two the body becomes acclimated and Ionic Sea Minerals can be taken in water. Every morning I put a teaspoon of the minerals into 16 oz. of water and don’t notice any bitterness.


Ionic Sea Mineral Powder

We have discovered a way for you to get the benefits of Ionic Sea Minerals without the strong taste! Ionic Sea Mineral Powder is available in capsules as well as in scoopable powder form.


SeaBoost Cream

How about an amazing cream for the skin, one containing sea minerals? The ingredients in SeaBoost Cream deeply nourish the skin. It does a great job of moisturizing! I use it daily on my forehead, which tends to dry out and get bumps. It has reduced the bumps to nothing, reduced my age spots and keeps my forehead from getting dry. Because of its concentrated nature, even a small jar of SeaBoost Cream lasts quite a while – a little goes a long way!


Soothing Sea Soak

Our original and herbal formulas of Soothing Sea Soak were created for a luxurious bath experience. Each variety contains a base blend of Dead Sea salt, Epsom salt, and Ionic Sea Minerals, and additional hand selected ingredients, chosen for the amazing benefits they can bring to the skin - benefits like hydration, helping to prevent premature aging of the skin, detoxing, promoting wound healing, tension relief, and so much more.


Whipped Rice & Coconut Scrub

Our Whipped Rice & Coconut Scrub is a fabulous, all-natural exfoliator made with rice flour, soap butter, and coconut oil, all whipped together. It also includes, of course, our acclaimed Ionic Sea Minerals. Not only does the texture feel like whipped frosting, but the benefits of rice flour and Ionic Sea Minerals can assist in healing skin as well. Use our whipped scrub to clean, polish and rejuvenate your skin, nourishing it and bringing it back to a supple form! 

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