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Sea Minerals

Turn Poor Soil
into Great Soil

By Paul Schneider Jr., AG-USA


                                                                                                                            The left field was 18” tall, but was grazed 2 days before this                                                                                                                            picture. The left side received MycorrPlus; the right did not.


Do you like success stories? According to Elaine, until June of 2016 the fields on the left and right side of the picture at the bottom of the page looked the same - just a splotch of grass here and there. John put out seed on both fields, but the soil was poor and nothing seemed to grow.

John said that in mid-June he took the cows off, then the first of July he applied MycorrPlus to the field on the left side of the picture.

John told me the following: “Before we applied the MycorrPlus you could see patches of dirt and soil, but now it is totally covered.”

“We brought the cows back onto the field on August the 15th, and during those last two months we got that tremendous amount of growth. The grass was 18” to 20” tall and was laying over.”

“We grazed the cows on that pasture into the latter part of December. We were trying to graze the pasture down so that we could over-seed, but up until the end of December we didn’t feel that we could get through the sod to plant.”

“It was remarkable the amount of growth we got in that two-month period. That was when I became a believer and thought we really had a good product.”

John also commented on how well their cows and horses look. “For the last year they have only eaten grass and hay grown with MycorrPlus.”






























John said that before MycorrPlus, the coats of his horses had been pretty rough and dull, and their hooves were easy to crack and fracture. But now their hooves had grown and looked so much different. Elaine said that their hooves make it look as if they had been feeding them grain.

“Their coats are shinier and slicker, and they shed them a lot sooner. Their appearance has changed appreciably over what we have seen the last few years. They are just nicer to look at.”

I am sure that some of you have read some of the research of Dr. Maynard Murray. I have his books, Sea Energy Agriculture and Fertility from the Ocean Deep, both published by AcresUSA. These books quite literally changed my life.

As Dr. Murray autopsied numerous animals in the ocean, he was amazed to find that there was no disease in ocean animals, as opposed to a lot of disease in animals on land, and in lakes and streams.

Dr. Murray believed there was no disease in the ocean because of the many trace minerals in the ocean that are no longer found in our soils. In Dr. Murray’s experiments, plants fertilized with sea minerals didn’t contract certain diseases.

Animals whose feed was fertilized with sea minerals were also quite disease resistant. Just imagine if our nation would eat foods fertilized with sea minerals! I believe that these missing trace minerals are extremely important to the health of plants, animals and man. This is why selling GroPal sea minerals (which are a major component in MycorrPlus) has been my passion for many years. Could sea minerals be one reason why the livestock pictured above are so healthy?

If you haven’t already tried MycorrPlus, please contact us to find out if there is a dealer in your area or to request a free information packet. Organic? MycorrPlus-O is for you!

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